Form and Style
Pre-Columbian art is renowned for its pervasive use of terra-cotta as a medium and many
outstanding pieces can be seen at the Princeton University Art Museum. Production of the
effigy censer was inspired by a reverent appreciation for what clay itself offered the
artist as a product of nature. Kinship with the simple vessel is revealed in the body,
which was built up meticulously from coils. Working this way, the artist carefully planned
for the natural weight and sag of the wet clay in conceiving such a massive human image
while simultaneously considering the mechanics of a chimney to send the gift of perfumed
smoke to the spirit forces he intended to propitiate. No less significant a contribution,
however, was the endowment of the effigy with a mirthful quality, a three-dimensional
Codex Borgia depicts a lord and lady drinking chocolate from ceramic bowls. They are typical of the Nahua-Mixteca style with enlarged heads and hands attached to wire-like limbs.
interpretation of the Nahua-Mixteca style exemplified in
surviving Pre-Columbian codices.
The bodily proportions were exaggerated by modeling an overly large head with a broad
triangular face pressed from a mold, contrasted by the diminutive tube-like
appendages rolled from slabs. The ears are composed of simple rectangular panels
pierced by cylindrical ornaments. Contrasting with the playful form is the
sense of a profound ritual act captured by the depiction of blood-shot eyes
fixed in a trance-like stare, a representation of the effects of hallucinogenic intoxication.